Posts Tagged ‘istanbul’
Top 5 Travel Destinations
Below I have listed my top 5 destinations that I have been to since I have been traveling around this great big world of ours. I hope that it encourages any or some of you reading this to get out there and experience some of these amazing and unique places that I have been lucky [...]
Top 5 Festivals/Events
Below I have listed my top 5 events or festivals that I have been to and experienced since I have been traveling around this great big world of ours. I hope that it encourages any or some of you reading this to get out there and experience some of the amazing and unique events that [...]
The Numerous Cities of Troy (Troia)
The next morning we got a bit of a sleep in before we made our way out to the city of Troia (Troy) with our new tour guide. He was a youngish guy with long hair, whose English was quite good, and seemed to know every bit of Australian slang possible, and came out with [...]
2010 FIBA Basketball World Championships in Istanbul
Getting to Turkey was tough, but it more than made up for it while we were there. It was amazing. Why was it tough to get there though? Well our plane left at 6.30 in the morning, so we had to be at the airport by about 4.30. Now this wouldn’t be so bad if [...]