Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category
Australia Day – version London
We all had the day off for Australia Day one way or another so we started nice and early with drinks at home with the 6 Aussies from the pub, including myself, Elese, Kate, Dung, Thom and Katie, as well as Katherine and Steve who were visiting from Adelaide, as well as a few others [...]
Aussie Pride in London Town
This year, I celebrated Australia day a couple of times, and celebrated my birthday over two days as well. Celebrations began on Sunday the 23rd when Elese and I headed to a club in Clapham called Infernos, where TNT Magazine where hosting an Australia Day party. It was pretty crazy for a Sunday morning. It [...]
Birthday Time in London
Today is my London birthday and my first birthday I have spent away from home and I have been receiving texts, emails and Facebook messages all day! It’s been great. Thanks to everyone who has made it great for me so far. It’s a very different birthday than the usual party on Australia day back [...]
We’re Going to the Snow!
Today was a good day as we finally got our trip to the snow booked. Elese, Kate, Lucas and I will be boarding a plane to Toulouse in France on the 13th of March and then transferring onto Soldeu el Tarter resorts in Andorra. Andorra is a tiny little country with a population of about [...]
Christmas at the Alex
Christmas Day in London was going to be very unique for all of us in a lot of ways. First of all we were all at The Alexandra bright and early by about 10AM so we could all get together for compulsory champagne and sausage and bacon sandwiches. Not really a very Christmassy breakfast but [...]