Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

The Lion King Musical

WOW! What else can I say? The Lion King musical was simply amazing. By far the best musical I have seen so far and although I know that isn’t out of too many, but I think it will definitely be very hard for something to top it. Elese’s sister Sarah was in town and we [...]

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We arrived in Amsterdam nice and early and made our way to the hostel where we dropped our bags off then went for a wander through the city and had some food. We didn’t really do much to start with as we were all a bit tired, we just wandered really, and saw some of [...]

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The Snowboarding Itch

After snowboarding for a week back in March it become evident that I was pretty much a pro at it. It was the end of the season though, and this meant that I didn’t get another chance to go and show off my skills again. However, being that it was the end of the season, [...]

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A Royal Wedding

On Friday the 29th of April there was a little event in London that was The Royal Wedding, of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The hype leading up to it all had been huge and so many people were so excited about it at all. I wasn’t too fussed about it, but it was prbably [...]

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Making a Move

After nearly 12 months since arriving in London, it was about time for a change. That change happened to be moving to a different house. For all of us we all had different directions we wanted to go in so we decided not to renew the lease to the house and all go our separate [...]

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