Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Movember Day 1

Here is a photo of my clean shaven face from the 1st of November. Bring on the Mo!

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Movember is almost upon us and at The Alexandra we have decided for a group of us to all grow our mo’s and raise some money in the process for prostate cancer research. So check out my Mo Space page and feel free to make a donation. We will be putting up some progress photos [...]

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Munich back to London, via Paris

We had most of the day to kill before Elese and I had to catch our train at about 10PM and Mark and Abbers were catching their plane the next day, but had no where to stay were going to sleep at the airport. Sam was heading off about midday and flying back to London [...]

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Oktoberfest: Round 2

We thought that rather than just drink beer we would actually get out and see some of the city, which was good seeing as the last time I was there, we only had a few hours there and didn’t get to see too much of the city. So we went on another one of the [...]

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200 Years of Oktoberfest in One Day

It was much too early to be up and about but we were leaving about 7.30AM so we could get a good position in the Paulaner Tent at Oktoberfest. We were promised a lot by the Fanatics but they seemed to let us down. Supposedly there were reserved seats in the tent for us but [...]

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