Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp/Museum

Our last full day in Poland we planned on going to the site of Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp/Museum that was in operation by the Nazis before and during World War II. We were heading off to the bus station when we were approached by someone offering to take us there, wait there with us, take us [...]

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The Wieliczka Salt Mine

We all met at the train station nice and early, but luckily for me and Elese we weren’t staying to far from the station so we didn’t have to get up quite as early. Our train ride was pretty much the same as when we came to Warsaw, except it was a different train layout [...]

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Touring Poland

We’d booked a train to Warsaw for the afternoon, so we spent the morning on a tour of Krakow with a local guide who liked to make up stories and legends about some of the building and places which seemed a bit strange to us as we never knew if we should believe him or [...]

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An Unexpected Adventure

We had never really planned on going to Poland at all, but the option was there for a while. Kate had planned on going there with Lucas and John, and had asked me a number of times if I had wanted to come too, but I didn’t really thing I had the money to do. [...]

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Movember Day 9

We are 9 days into Movember now and I have returned from Poland so it was about time I actually groomed my beard and turned it into the beloved ‘mo. So here it is for you all to enjoy! Don’t forget, you can’t donate if you want to.

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