Archive for the ‘Snowboarding’ Category

Relaxing in Copenhagen

After spending the day at LEGOLAND we flew out of Billund that night and made our way to Copenhagen on a little 45 seat plane. It was pretty cool, but sometimes felt like it was going to fall apart at times. Luckily it didn’t and we touched down in Copenhagen and made our way to [...]

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The Home of LEGO

Now I know I have been to LEGOLAND in the UK before, but this was a chance to go to Denmark, the home of Lego, and see the original. From looking at the website I could see that it was quite similar to LEGOLAND Windsor, but it was in Denmark. How can anyone resist that? [...]

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GREASE Is the Word!

Grease was the word tonight as we went out to theatre to see Grease: The Musical (just in case you hadn’t worked that out yet). It was showing at the Piccadilly Theatre and we had managed to get tickets for dinner and the show. For 20 quid, who could say no! So we made our [...]

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Pro’s In the Snow

Our last day on the slopes began late as we all just wanted to rest for a while before heading up the mountain. We got up there about 11AM and then we watched Kate as she attempted to get back into it after having the day off the day before. She didn’t want to keep [...]

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Snowboard Graduation

Our last day of snowboard school meant our last day of being up on the mountain by 10AM. That was a relief. Though Kate had decided to stay in bed after hurting herself the day before, so Elese and I made our way up the cable car to kick some ass on our last day. [...]

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