Archive for the ‘Snowboarding’ Category

The Northerners

For the second month in a row we didn’t leave the country, and for a few days we went up North to a town called Barnsley where our housemate Emma is from. It was her birthday weekend and was going home for it so we went too and got to spend some time outside of [...]

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Tourist to Tour Guide

The day that Monica and Para came to London I unfortunately had to work so I was eagerly waiting 5.30 to get out of the office and see them! It had been a while since we had someone visit and I was looking forward to seeing them, having not seen them in over a year. [...]

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MCITP Certified

As of yesterday I am now further qualified as I passed my Microsoft 70-685 exam with full marks of 1000/1000. So now I am qualified as a Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician. Long enough name don’t you think? I certainly do, but I digress. The study for this exam was a [...]

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An English Beach

A day at the beach was in order as neither of us had actually even been to a beach in the UK at all. We caught the train in the morning down to the south of England to the seaside town of Brighton which is famous for its stone beach and the Brighton Pier. That’s [...]

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Stonehenge & Bath

Instead of going to another country on Elese’s weekend off we instead decided to stay in the UK and see some of the country we had been living in the past year. On the Saturday we were up early and getting a tour bus from Victoria Station to take us out the UNESCO World Heritage [...]

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