Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

New Shoes Arrived!

Doorbell rang this morning at pretty much the same time that my alarm went off, (so good timing there), and waiting at the door is the courier with a big box for me. Opened it up, and just as I suspected, my new shoes and the ridiculous amount of socks I ordered (12 pairs in [...]

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New Basketball Shoes

So I’ve been needing a new pair of basketball shoes lately, but never had the time or couldn’t be bothered to go looking for some. Also, all the ones I see I don’t like or are too expensive. Solution? Go online and order some from overseas! A site I had known about for a while [...]

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Monday Night Social

Recently this year I began playing social basketball with some of the guys from school for a bit of fun and extra fitness. While most games we have been winning pretty comfortably, it is still a lot of fun, and with somewhat of a point to prove for being put in B Grade. It is [...]

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My YouTube Claim to Fame

After going to Paul Van Dyk’s Beach Party found this turn up and who appears in it? Well if it isn’t me and the Party Posse. We all knew we were famous, but now the world can too! Check it out.

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