Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

A Man of Leisure

As of yesterday afternoon I am now a man of leisure. And oh what a life it is. I can do what I want, sleep in, watch movies, play games, whatever I choose. Why am I a man of leisure I hear you ask? Well, yesterday afternoon, about 3pm I was called up to see [...]

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Over Saturday and Sunday I watched the entire series of Underbelly on DVD and was very impressed by it. It always seemed quite interesting and it proved me right. Although I do wonder on how much of it actually happened and to what extent. I don’t doubt that a lot of it did, but the [...]

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Booked & Excited

Today I finally booked my plane tickets to Japan to see my wonderful sister Belinda before she comes home. I really cannot wait and am so excited to be going. First thing to do once getting there will be to spend a few days in Tokyo for shopping before heading up to Nagano to Belinda’s. [...]

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Forget Internet Explorer, Get Firefox

For some people out there, I see you are still using versions of Internet Explorer. There is so much more out there to choose from, and that do a much better job than IE ever could or will. So do yourself and everyone on the Internet a favour and change your browser from Internet Explore. [...]

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Do YOU Love Sounds?

Because I LOVE sounds. So join me at the ‘We Love Sounds’ Festival on the Monday of the June long weekend. Picked up my VIP ticket to this yesterday. A nice leisurely Sunday drive out to Warradale mind you, but who can complain with the likes of Dungie for company! Cannot wait for this one [...]

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