Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

And So It Continues…

Another early morning, this time to see a Japanese punk band called Mongol800, which was an interesting experience, and proved to me that Japanese people aren’t as civil as they seem to be. We were fairly close to the front and there was enough room around everyone. That was until they came out, which then [...]

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Let the Music Begin!!!

It was an early morning wakeup at 8.30am with the sun beaming into the tent and the noise from neighboring tents, and the many security and staff on megaphones directing the crowds. After having some breakfast, we headed down for what would turn out to be a huge day. First stop was the Green Stage, [...]

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Welcome to Tent City!

I had no idea how much walking was going to be involved during the weekend of the Fuji Rock Festival, but it quickly became evident as we scaled the mountain looking for a nice place to pitch our tent. From the car park, each of us loaded up with all we could carry, we walked [...]

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The Road to Fuji Rock!

The trek to Fuji Rock Festival was an amazing experience, while at the same time being one of the most terrifying! After picking up supplies, we headed out into the mountains, where the roads wound in and out, left and right, up and down, and in some places were barely wide enough to fit 2 [...]

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The Coles Equivelent

Today was Belinda’s last day of school so I was spending the day at home by myself. Deciding some food was in order I headed out to the local supermarket to get something to eat, and possibly visit a few other shops in the area. After the 5 minute walk though it was just too [...]

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