Archive for the ‘UK’ Category

The Adventure Continues…

Another few weeks or so on and so much has happened! We got out to a little club called Koko in Camden one night and saw a couple of Aussie bands play, Philadelphia Grand Jury and Art vs. Science. The place was really cool, kind of like a mini Thebarton Theatre, but then with more [...]

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The Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why would I wanna be anywhere else

It’s been a long time since I have wrote one of these but I thought that since I am now living in London that I should keep it up to date for all you back home and wherever in the world you may be! So we made it to London on the 27th of April [...]

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Melbourne Madness

After arriving back in Adelaide on Monday afternoon, I had more sleep that night than I did the entire weekend! It wasn’t some marathon sleep effort either, just a bit more than the standard 8 hours a night some people recommend. So as you can imagine, the weekend was pretty big and took a lot [...]

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Long, Long Weekend

As I sit here typing this I have less than 3 hours of work to go until my long, long weekend begins. Woo hoo, 4-day weekend. And what a weekend it is going to be, with The Party Posse flying over to Melbourne tomorrow afternoon for fun and games and just to get away from [...]

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