Archive for the ‘UK’ Category

Topdeck Tour Day 9 – Florence to Rome

Another early start, this time to head into the city of Florence once again for a walking tour with a local guide. He took us around and we saw some pretty cool sights and some amazing statues, including the statue of David, which they have a few replicas throughout the city. Florence is a really [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 8 – French Riviera to Florence, Italy

Back on the bus we went and by now I had become pretty accustomed to sleeping on the bus which was good considering all the late nights and early mornings we were having. We were always trying to cram as much as possible into the days, but with such little time in so many places [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 7 – The French Riviera

We were up quite early before breakfast and we had time for a swim, so Lucy and I went off to the beach for a quick swim and then lay around on the not so comfortable stones in the sun which was a great way to start the day, and something I can recommend to [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 6 – Avignon to the French Riviera

After our short stay in Avignon we headed for the French Riviera, which is a spectacular place. On the way there we stopped at a perfumery and got a short tour of how the perfume is made which was quite interesting, but not really for me. We had the option of buying it direct from [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 5 – Avignon, France

Avignon is a cool city in France which is still surrounded by city walls from hundreds of years ago and was ordered to be built by the popes when they had fears of being invaded. We stayed at a camp site just outside the city, and then after setting up camp walked in through the [...]

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