Archive for the ‘UK’ Category

Topdeck Tour Day 14 – Vienna

We started the day with a walking tour through the city of Vienna visiting the palaces and other monuments and museums. Most things are all within a short walk of each other, all around what’s called the ring road, which is just a big circle and has all the famous places around it. Once we [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 13 – Venice to Vienna, Austria

After arriving in Vienna the first thing we did was go straight to the Hofburg Palace which used to be just the summer residence for the family. The Palace was huge in itself but then the entire grounds of the place were about another 20 times bigger. We could have spent hours there looking around [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 12 – Venice

Our day started with a walking tour through the city of Venice, which is by far the best way to get around. That or on a boat through the canals. Hottie guided us through the city showing us a few sights here and there, like the Bridge of Sighs, which has been ruined giant advertising [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 11 – Rome to Venice

We had a long day ahead of us, but luckily it was broken up with a short stop in Verona, the home of Romeo & Juliet. Verona was such a beautiful city and we could have spent hours there, unfortunately we had only about an hour and only had time to see the ‘Tunnel of [...]

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Topdeck Tour Day 10 – Rome

The morning started nice and early once again, but this time not for the bus ride. This was to head to Vatican City, for a professional guided tour. I really don’t know what to say about Vatican City, there is just so much history involved and so much to take in, it is really something [...]

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