Archive for the ‘Asia’ Category

The Coles Equivelent

Today was Belinda’s last day of school so I was spending the day at home by myself. Deciding some food was in order I headed out to the local supermarket to get something to eat, and possibly visit a few other shops in the area. After the 5 minute walk though it was just too [...]

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Nagano Adventure

Here I was like a sucker paying to use the Internet at the hostel when I worked out this morning they had their own wireless network, with the security details posted on the wall. So all I had to do was put them into my phone and voila, Internet on my phone out the front [...]

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The Subway Master

Today began about 9.30am which seemed like a good time to get up after some much needed rest. I headed for the shower and got myself ready before sitting down for a while to study the subway maps and Belinda’s recommendations for the day. I headed out for the day about 10.30 to the subway [...]

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The Adventure Begins

Tokyo is nothing like any city in Australia. That is evident before even leaving Narita Airport! Both flights, Adelaide to Melbourne & Melbourne to Tokyo had no problems and I arrived safely. Got a couple of hours sleep to go with the 2 hours I had the night before, so I should have been feeling [...]

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My Going Away Party

Last night I had some friends gathering in the shed out the back to see me before I leave for Japan on Monday. By no means was it a big night but it was still a great night, with great friends. With a patio heater out there to keep us warm, a couple of drinks [...]

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