Birthday Time in London

Today is my London birthday and my first birthday I have spent away from home and I have been receiving texts, emails and Facebook messages all day! It’s been great. Thanks to everyone who has made it great for me so far.

It’s a very different birthday than the usual party on Australia day back in little old Adelaide though. We still plan on partying on Australia Day as usual, but there will be no 30+ degree day, no kiddie pool full of ice in the back yard, no where to play beer pong and no beer bongs. The biggest thing that will be missing is all the amazing people, but at least I still have some of them and some new ones as well.

I’m sure that no matter what it will be a great couple of days of partying even if it’s not the same as it is abck home. That’s what this whole adventure is about though, new experiences right? So come one and all and help me celebrate my inaugrural birthday in London!

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