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TITANS Win Grand Final

Last night saw the TITANS take out the Men’s B Grade Championship at Ingle Farm Recreation Centre. In a low scoring affair the Titans took an early lead, but the Wolfpack fought back to take the lead half way through the second half. The Titans pressed on and with tough defence regained the lead and [...]

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Grand Final Game Time

The Titans are playing in the Grand Final on Monday the 23rd of July at 8.30pm at Ingle Farm Recreation Centre. Get out and support you local sporting team! See ya there!

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TITANS to the Grand Final

Monday night saw the mighty Titans prevail in the Preliminary Final to advance to the Grand Final next Monday night. The game got off to a slow start but after a time out the Titans picked up their running game and continued on to not look back from there. They went on to win 44-27. [...]

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We Love Sounds Festival!

Monday saw the return to a music festival for me and the gang, where we headed to The Shores Complex for the We Love Sounds festival. What a day it is was, with a few drinks and hot chips before hand at my house before heading down to The Shores about 2.30pm just in time [...]

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Band of Brothers

A while ago I got Band of Brothers on DVD and it has only been until now, when I have had some time, that I have watched. I should have watched it sooner. It is an amazing TV series and is really mind blowing some of the events that happened during the second World War. [...]

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