Archive for 2010
Christmas at the Alex
Christmas Day in London was going to be very unique for all of us in a lot of ways. First of all we were all at The Alexandra bright and early by about 10AM so we could all get together for compulsory champagne and sausage and bacon sandwiches. Not really a very Christmassy breakfast but [...]
And So This is Christmas
Christmas came out of nowhere for us. It was almost as if one week we were in Poland and the next it was a few days until Christmas with us all rushing around trying to finalise all our presents for each other, for our Secret Santa’s at work and getting everything else organised. We’d got [...]
Merry Christmas
So now it’s nearly Christmas which we will all be working at The Alexandra, and I am desperately hoping that the snow will come down over the next few days so we can have a White Christmas, but according to the weather man it’s not going to happen. It is London however, and things can [...]
Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park
On the 13th of December we visited Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. There are rides and food and markets and a circus and even an ice rink. The ice rink was the main reason we were going there, so we could go skating. I had hoped that the lake would be frozen over and that [...]
It was about a week of the weather reports teasing us before we actually got some snow but when it did come it was awfully exciting for us, but not many around us shared our enthusiasm. We didn’t care though. For a few nights walking home after work a lot of cars had been covered [...]